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Export wines of Piedmont is growing mais pas en Belgique

Export wines of Piedmont is growing mais pas en Belgique
Further growth in 2019 for Italian wine exports which exceeds 6.43 billion euros and confirms the positive trend with +3.1% on 2018 and +7.1% on 2017: more than 60% of exports in value are destined to Europe, although the highest growth rates were recorded in America (+4.7%) and Asia (+7.1%).
According to the Qualivita Wine Observatory based on Istat data, in terms of value, exports were positive for the two main destination markets of the USA (+5.4%) and Germany (+2.5%) - which absorbed €1.54 billion and €1.06 billion respectively in 2019 - while they showed a drop in the UK (-5.0%), followed by growth in Switzerland (+1.6%) and Canada (+2.6%). Particularly good trends were confirmed in France (+6.5%) - where exports exceeded 200 million euros for the first time - and the Netherlands (+8.8%), which had already recorded wine +12.0% and +8.0% in 2018 compared to the previous year.
Among the large non-European markets, Japan shows a great recovery (+13.0%) after the stop in 2018 and China - which continues to cover a reduced slice of exports (2.1%) - has a good trend (+5.3%) in 2019: more consistent growth in the Russian market (+21.1%) which in 2019 exceeds 130 million euros.
Other destination markets include Poland (+14.1%), Latvia (+15.9%), South Korea (+14.5%) and Ukraine (+37.9%), all countries that had already shown growth rates in 2018. 60% of Italian wine exports in value terms went to Europe (+1.9%), 31% to America (+4.7%), 7.4% to Asia (+7.1%), 1.2% to Oceania (+4.1%) and 0.2% to Africa (+15.4%).
Export vino 2019: superati 6,43 miliardi, crescita del +3,1%